Hello... again!

28 September 2013

Summer is officially over... and now we really have to start thinking about all those projects that we haven't completed!  That's right, not only was I not updating the blog... I was not accomplishing any home improvement tasks.

Nada, Zilch, Zip, Zero.... bloody sod all NOTHING!

Summer is the the perfect time to go outdoors, hang out with old friends, and take day trips. Needing a recharge from all the "weekend" projects... we stopped all working on the house. Winters in Philly can be miserable, a least for someone who hates to be cold, therefore since I have no choice but to stay indoors... why not paint in the Fall/Winter and have fun in the Summer while it's here!

Therefore, we are back at the drawing board... structuring our to-do lists (hopefully with realistic timelines) and I'll be blogging once more.

Til next time!
x, Shan
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Jes & Shan

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