The Never Ending Project(s)

05 June 2014

Where should I begin....

For starters - I should admit that we have a problem. When we purchased the house, Jes made me swear that we would focus on one area at at time. However, I get 90% of the project completed, then move on to the next item. Leaving 10% to be finished "some time" in the future.

As we approached the finish line with the basement make-over, we where feeling exhausted of home projects... plus with the horrible winter, we wanted a break from everything! Therefore, we went to Mexico for a week to rest and relax!

When we came back from vacation, we where recharged and ready to knock off more items from our very long "to-list". Instead of completing the spare bedroom and the basement, (I just have a few arts and crafts projects to make the rooms complete) we decided to retackle the Ikea China Cabinet hack.

If you remember, before the holidays Jes went rouge and tried to complete this project on his own. Unfortunately, he didn't realize in order to paint the cabinet you need to sand off the finish and prime the unit.  With in three weeks we had paint peeling right off the cabinet.

Therefore Memorial Day weekend we thought we could tackle this beast of a project.....


.... nope! Nearly two weeks later and we are still working on putting it back together. Hopefully we can finish it this weekend! Providing Philly's Beer Week doesn't get in the way.

x, Shan

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