Basement: Hardware Center

23 March 2014

We have been making some progress.... however it's been a little slow. Our efforts to sell items on Craigslist has been rather painful. Mostly because the items are not moving fast enough and buyers are falling through. Since I was anxious to start the Elfa hardware center, we moved all the Craigslist items to our (unfinished... well, not started) living room.

It was important for me to complete the hardware center, because I wanted somewhere for Jesse to put his growing tool collection. Plus there are very few areas in the house that are really just for him. He needs a place for his clubs, growlers, and tools.  I'm very excited how the hardware center turned out.

Over the last few weeks, Jes and I have spent a lot of time looking for a new rug for the basement. Not wanting to spend a lot of money, I decided to take the rug I was contemplating to use in the living room. Jesse HATES this rug... it sheds. However since the basement is a low traffic area, I don't have to worry about the constant hairballs.

Here is what is left to do:
Finish the section of the wall Jesse took down for the washer & dryer
Find & purchase a new light fixture
Reupholster sofa pillows (fabric samples ordered!)
Reupholster the office chair... may add a little more height too
Sell old furniture items on Craigslist (an on-going & painful process)

x, Shan
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